Discuss code

and boost your team's code fu by talking about specifics.

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Serve Git

As an integrated experience within the larger code review flow.

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Manage workflows

with deeply integrated and delegatable access controls.

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Our latest release is:


Discuss code

Read old and new versions of files with syntax highlighting and colored differences. Discuss specific sections with others to make the right changes.

Manage and serve Git repositories

Gerrit includes Git-enabled SSH and HTTPS servers compatible with all Git clients. Simplify management by hosting many Git repositories together.

Navigate projects

Control access

Update branches

Schedule git gc over all managed repositories and replicate to geographical mirrors for latency reduction and backup servers for hot spare redundancy.

Extensible through plugins

Gerrit Code Review can be extended and further customized by installing server-side plugins. Source code for additional plugins can be found through the project listing.


Members of the Gerrit community are expected to behave within the guidelines of the community’s Code Of Conduct when representing the community. We would like to praise some of the more recent accomplishements from the community.

Members of the community will discuss most Gerrit related things on the repo-discuss mailing list. For a more real-time Gerrit discussion you may also join our Discord server.

Events such as user summits and hackathons are announced on the repo-discuss mailing list. You can also see the events posted on our Calendar, or if you prefer to follow us on Mastodon, Threads or X (Formerly Twitter).

For face-to-face discussions there is a monthly Gerrit community meeting that is hosted in Gerrit’s Discord channel. Please watch out for the ‘Gerrit Community Meeting’ event there. Everyone is welcome to join and bring up things they like to discuss. The agenda is completely open, but topics may be added beforehand to the agenda. Please always prefix topics with your name in square brackets, so that it’s clear who added which topic.


Please refer to the support page for more details.

Training Slides

These have been moved to the Presentations page under Community. More presentations are made available there as well.